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A Friendly Family Dentist Based in Summerville, SC

High Tide Dentistry Is Your Low Country Dental Practice

When you come to the dentist, you want a local personality that you can trust. If you are looking for a family dentist in Summerville, South Carolina, turn to High Tide Dentistry. We treat each patient like a VIP, creating detailed treatment plans and doing whatever it takes to give you a perfect smile. As a low country dental practice, we accept all patients, whether you visit us in a slick suit or your waders from a saltwater fishing session. The only thing that our office cares about is giving you world-class dental care. Don’t let our friendly and laid-back demeanor fool you. Our dentists are among the top in the world.

man and girl fishing

Don’t Overlook Preventative Dental Care

The easiest way to avoid a major dental procedure is by regularly attending dental check-ups every six months. We realize that some patients find it challenging to fit a routine visit into their busy schedules. However, overlooking preventative dental care increases your risk of minor things, like cavities, and major things, like oral cancer. Daily brushing and flossing are essential to a vibrant smile. No amount of at-home dental care can take the place of an in-office cleaning, though. We thoroughly remove plaque and bacteria that hide in the deepest places within your mouth.

man with hat on and fishing pole

Contact Us

A Family Dentist That Does It All

Dr. Johnson’s practice offers comprehensive dental care. When you need a significant procedure like oral surgery or the placement of an implant, you want a local family dentist that you already know and trust. That’s exactly what our office does. We take care of your routine dental care but also perform most of the cosmetic and restorative procedures you’ll need. When you visit our office, you’ll never need another dentist.

High Tide Dentistry

1720 Old Trolley Road
Summerville, SC 29485


Hours of Operation
Monday: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Tuesday: 7:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Thursday: 7:00 AM – 2:30 PM